Tucked in a tiny corner of Everton estate, it is hard to miss Nylon Coffee as there is always a snaking queue at their storefront. Despite being known for its aromatic and high quality coffee, Nylon serves affordable coffee, with additional discounts for senior citizens. Whatmore, they also roast their own coffee beans – truly a (not so hidden) gem in the depths of a HDB! 

There is a variety of coffee here, from black filtered to milky white. While there are some standing tables and very limited seats, take note that there is no food served here. 

Our 5oz Flat White ($5) came filled to the brim with creamy goodness. As someone who is not a fan of dark, bitter coffee, this cup holds a good balance of velvety smoothness with just the right amount of milk – enough to taste the espresso, but creamy enough to not have an aftertaste. We finished it in a few minutes because it just tasted so yummy, like a dessert! 

To accompany our coffee, the entire coffee house was filled with the fragrance of freshly roasted coffee beans. Ah, what a dream!  The only thing I can complain about is probably the lack of ambiance. Because it was filled with so many people both inside and outside the coffee house, it was extremely noisy and it didn’t help that it was quite a tiny place. I would recommend a grab and go if you are here for the coffee. Don’t expect a typical cafe where you can spend an afternoon at! 

Details of Nylon Coffee Roasters

Opening Hours:

Closed on Monday & Tuesday

Weekends 9am – 4.30pm

Weekdays 8.30am – 4pm

Address: 4 Everton Park, #01-40, Singapore 080004